... or an argument on behalf of letters of law o porqué nunca, jamás lo invitan a leer con abogados-poetas de aquí
Judge: Does the prisoner understand his rights?
Interpreter: ¿Entiende usted sus derechos?
Prisoner: ¡Pa'l Carajo!
Interpreter: Yes.
de "Trumpets from the Islands of their Eviction"
Julio Signing His Name
Julio cheats
signing his name,
copying slowly
from his Social Security Card,
man's hand
scratching letters child-crooked.
But Julio's black hand
was schooled for lettuce-picking
not lawsuits.
de "Rebellion is the Circle of a Lover's Hands"
The Community College Revises
Its Curriculum in Response
to Changing Demographics
SPA 100 Conversational Spanish
2 credits
The course
is especially concerned
with giving police
the ability
to express themselves
in matters of interest
to them.
de "A Mayan Astronomer in Hell's Kitchen"
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